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Meet ROBBiE the Robot

your creative, rhythmic audio routing plugin pal.

ROBBiE used to work as a switchboard operator back in the day, but now they're bringing their passion for routing audio signals to your DAW.

ROBBiE's latest work is based on the flexible power of sequential switches made popular in the world of modular synthesizers.

Deep inside the plugin, ROBBiE will swap between your audio channels in time with the music, or synced to a free clock.

Select from one of eight Input/Output slots.
Step through your channels in either direction, randomly, or in a repeating sequence.

Use Midi Mode for a higher degree of control and flexibility.

Dig in now, and check out some creative signal routing with your pal ROBBiE!

> Check out the Manual

ROBBiE demo for macOS

ROBBiE demo for Windows

Demo can be unlocked with License Key purchased from Gumroad

Traversal Modes

Rate (Daw Synced and Free)

Many Inputs to One Output
or One Input to Many Outputs

Sync Left and Right Channels

Feelings :)

ROBBiE Tutorial and Track Breakdown by Piotr Garbaczonek

Demo of ROBBiE in One to Many Mode
Here ROBBiE sends some 808 drums to different distortions in time with the music.

Demo of ROBBiE in Many to One Mode
In this demo ROBBiE switches between four different synths playing the same chord progression.

Tim Shoebridge Explains Sequential Switches in Eurorack
This explanation is very clear, and many of the concepts will transfer over to ROBBiE.

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ROBBiE Plugin (Mac and Windows, VST3 and AU)

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